Bai Nian with Uncle Ringo
Today is the 2nd day of CNY and i was bored as hell.A gal pal kindly offered to let her mei mei, and 2 gal pals tag along her date, one of whom is me.
I started the evening with a major blooper. Reading 1715 as 715pm. As a result, everyone was waiting for me. Thankfully the gal pal i was supposed to meet at West Mall called to ask 'Where the hell i was'. In a state of panic, I shoved down the piece of Bak Kwa i was nibbling on (been nibblin on lots of Bak Kwa lately, esp the charred bits. Yes i noe its carcinogenic) and got ready in record time.
Flew down the stairs and *oopsie* everyone was waiting in the car. Apologised to everyone and we journeyed to far-away Hougang to visit Uncle Ringo.
Uncle Ringo collects $2 Ang Bao from his visitors before you can enter. You get free music too. You then buy coupons to play with his toys.
Each coupon costs $2.50.
The kiddy rides usually cost 2 coupons.
The ferris wheel, Top-gun, this spinning thing and i dunno wat... cost 3 coupons.
The Vortex and this spinning swing thing cost 4 coupons.
DO the maths...
... ...
Moi only went for 2 rides - Ferris wheel and the spinning swing 4 coupon thing.
Ferris wheel although pricey at 3 coupons went ard enuf times to give me my money's worth. The sad thing is there's not much of a view at Hougang.
The spinning swing thing (still can't rem its name) left my badly layered - already messy hair - in knots. (can't do the Pantene thing) i untangled (i mean yanked) a few knotted strands after the ride.
The loud music and spinning made me a bit light-headed. Can't figure out why i paid 10 bucks to be thrown forwards, backwards and sideways. But i have to admit the screaming does help to release frustration. There are only so many places for a sane adult to scream your guts out. You can do it at home and risk incurring the wrath of neighbours, or in a padded cell which is way too extreme. So ya i figured funfairs have their uses.
There's a number of Games stalls but not many people willing to throw many 2.50s to win soft toys. Imagine its like flinging a packet of chay kuay teow (will be much more shiok though). Having watched lots of TV as a child, I used to have this fantasy during my teenage years that i'll have a bf who will win a giant soft toy for me at a funfair. You know, then can hold the huge, fluffy and absolutely useless thing and walk around proudly. Its like having a bouquet of 99 roses on Vday that sorta thing.
Uncle Ringo's toys really suck. If I have a bf who dumps many 2.50s to win one of those pirated toys or not very clean looking giant bears or outdated Hi-Fi sets, i'll personally shoot him with the rubber pellet gun.
For so much money, they really ought to give better toys. Like those cute turtles from Action city or piglets (Its the year of pigs afterall) or pirated Hamitaro at least.. They're still giving away pirated Pikachus..
Turtles are good. Maybe if you get 300 points, the small turtle, then 500 points the medium one and for one thousand points, you can get either a big big turtle or a piglet...
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